Known to be dangerous, hot-tempered, smugglers, as people ‘better not to be met’, the Wayuus are on the contrary gentle, hospitable, and extremely pleasant to talk with.
(Special thanks to Ramona, our travel-mate in this trip to the Guajira, for sharing her pictures…)
Are you referring to me as an annoying individual trying to sell you things becasue I asked for a cheque in the post for this great photo?! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks again for letting me be a cling-on, on this amazing part of the Colombia trip.
ma forse la logica imporrebbe di chiedersi se siano gli wayuu ad apprezzare la discreta presenza dei turisti nel guajira
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ReplyDeleteTo Ramona: of course not, as you have seen no mention to your greedy proposal. Only acknowledgment and thanks for sharing your pictures...
ReplyDeleteTo v.t. (ti conosciamo?): ottimo punto, dovremmo controllare sul blog degli Wayuu... Scherzi a parte, abbiamo cercato di essere discreti, educati, rispettosi, consapevoli che il contatto tra culture puo' essere un'occasione di crescita sia per noi sia per loro. Poi, tutto puo' essere...