Let’s be sincere: our evenings have not being particularly exciting lately. I usually come back home around 6.30/7 pm and take over from Mathilde in taking care of Leo, and while I do play with him, Mathilde finishes to work. Then it’s bath-time, and while I bath Leo, Mathilde prepares his meal. Then while either Mathilde or I feed Leo, the other prepares our dinner. Dinner, and while one puts Leo to sleep, the other washes the dishes. If we still have a bit of energy we send a couple of emails or update the Blog, otherwise we go straight to bed, exhausted - I usually can’t finish a whole Economist’s article (Mathilde is a bit better than me and reads a bit longer…)
But yesterday evening we became young again: Mathilde left Leo to Claudia, our babysitter (we would need to write a post to Claudia soon) and called me: “I’ll be at the Laurentina metro station in half-hour”. And in half-hour I was there to pick her up: skirt and boots (wow!), and then direction Palalottomattica, the Rome’ sport arena. Two hot dogs (ref. yesterday’s post), and then my birthday present: two tickets to Jovanotti’s concert.
And after two hours and half of energy and fun, back home, well after midnight, eager to watch Leo sleeping in his bed, but happy to have been young again for one night…