Sunday, August 28, 2011

Corno Grande

I know, the plan for this year was the Stock Kangri, 6,137 m asl, the highest mountain of the Stock Range in Ladakh. But things change, children spring up, and adapting to the new situations is a virtue (besides a necessity).

And well, the Corno Grande is not the Stock Kangri (actually it’s less than half of it), but with its 2,912 m it’s still the highest peak in the Apennine Mountains: enough to appease my mountain craving for this year…

But besides soothing my abstinence crisis, the excursion to the Corno Grande allowed me to discover the Gran Sasso massif, which being only one hour and half far from Rome I foresee it will soon become a primary destination for our outdoor weekends.

I can’t wait to slip Leonardo in my backpack and to go with him to discover all the peaks of the massif!


  1. Bello il Gran Sasso! Immagino che hai preso la via delle creste, più "sportiva" (o magari la paternità non ti fa più prendere rischi? ;-)

  2. la direttissima all'andata e la via delle creste in discesa :)

    la prossima volta che vieni a trovarci, organizziamo un'escursione sul gran sasso - con leonardo nello zaino...

  3. ti regalo lo zainetto porta bimbi!!!! la sister ha detto che quello che le avevo regalato l'ha usato tantissimo con D&A!!!!! così andiamo a scarpinare tutti insieme!!!!

  4. look at my friends:

