Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Good-bye Roberto, Dunja and Sara

For us, Roberto, Dunja and Sara , our downstairs neighbours, are home.

They welcomed us when we arrived here in Rome, almost two years ago. Dunja has been an important reference person for Mathilde during her pregnancy and Leo’s first months. And, above all, Sara has been Leo’s first kiss!

But as we have learnt and have already experienced, life is a revolving door: when someone is moving in, someone else is moving out. And tomorrow, Roberto, Dunja and Sara will leave - destination: Cincinnati.

We knew since we arrived that they were on their ‘way out’, but their transfer kept being postponed and postponed for so long that at the end we got used to the idea they could stay, if not forever, certainly longer.

So, when about one month ago they told us that their transfer had finally arrived, a profound sense of nostalgia pervaded us.

We will be missing bumping into each other on the stairs or on the escalator in the mornings or in the evenings. We will be missing our meetings at the park after work. We will be missing the feeling that we could knock at each other door at any time to have Leo and Sara playing together, or simply to have a chat. And we will be missing our improvised dinners on our respective terraces.

Good-bye Roberto, Dunja and Sara. We will be missing you, but we wish you all the best for your new, exciting experience…

Monday, October 29, 2012

Les M&M’s are pregnant again!

Dear family and friends, Les M&M’s are pregnant again!

As Spring, Baby #2 will arrive towards the end of March. And, as Spring, ‘sigilosamente, entrará a nuestra casa, en la noche y en la sombra, con pies estrellados…’*

We look very much forward to his arrival…

Matteo, Mathilde, and Leo

(*) Cautamente, entrerà nella nostra casa, nella notte e nell’ombra, con i piedi stellati…; Silently, will enter to our home, in the night and the shadow, with starry feet…; Silencieusement, entrera à notre maison, dans la nuit et l'ombre, avec des pieds étoilés…

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Leo’s first word

Of course he already said ‘ma-ma’, ‘pa-pa’, and many other syllables and sounds, but for the first time we had the clear perception that Leo said a word meaning it.

And, although I tried to deny it - to my great regret - I have to admit it was in French…

Another milestone achieved!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Leo & Leo

We didn’t necessarily want to be original, but it’s true that when we chose to name Leo ‘Leo’, we didn’t know many other Leonardos. In fact the only Leonardo I knew was a class-mate of my sister at the primary school, Leonardo Lunati, who I have not heard of for the past thirty years or so.

But since we named Leonardo ‘Leonardo’, it seems that all babies in Italy (or at least those who were born in Rome) are named Leonardo. There are no recreational areas or parks where we do not hear other mums calling ‘Leonardo, Leonardo!’. In the IFAD childcare, out of 25 babies (half of which I presume are males), there are three Leonardos. And even if there are no other Leonardos in our Leo’s class at the Nido, I already heard several times calling ‘Leonardo!’ in the Nido’s corridors the few times I took Leo to the childcare…

Within this Leos’ epidemic, I thus had an easy guess when Mathilde, coming back from work, asked me: “Hey, guess what’s my colleague Noemi’s child name?”…

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Security, security!

 … il y a un fou qui saute derrière Monsieur le Président !

Monday, October 22, 2012

Are we creating a serial killer?

For his birthday, we decided to offer Leo a book. We went to a bookstore and looked a bit around in the child section. There were plenty of cute books: ‘Qui est le bébé de qui’, ‘Qui habite ou?’, ‘Qui crie quoi’…

Look what we chose…

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Leo & the Blog*

Tutto questo un giorno sarà tuo… 

(Ps: check the differences: this picture was taken exactly one year ago!)

(*) Busy busy days these days. Caught between the workload at work during the day, my father's duties at night, Leo who is sick every other day every other day, etc. etc. I haven't even had time to download the pictures from our trip to the Red Sea - let alone to post our usual post-trip reportage. To keep the Blog alive however, here they are a few pictures and stories from our files...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Back from the Red Sea

Apologizes for the long silence, and thanks for the messages inquiring whether all was well. In fact it was: we have just come back yesterday night from a week on the Red Sea to celebrate Nonna Rita’s 60th birthday.

Pictures and stories soon!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012