Monday, January 30, 2012


Leo and Riccardo. Both born on August 2. Twins de facto. And hopefully future good friends…

Sunday, January 29, 2012

At Steve McCurry’s (2)

Believe it or not, Leo has been very attentive, interested, and excited during the whole exhibition.

I dreamt of a career as football player for him, but perhaps he will end up being a photo-journalist…

Saturday, January 28, 2012

At Steve McCurry’s

Today we went to the MACRO, the Rome’s Contemporary Art Museum, to a photo exhibition dedicated to Steve McCurry. Even those who do not know McCurry by name, they must know him by fame: he is the author of the famous portrait of the Afghan girl with the green eyes that appeared on the National Geographic cover 17 years ago.

And have to say that the exhibition is really worth: literally a journey, made of more than 200 pictures taken over 30 years, through the colors, the cultures, the recent history of several countries - from Afghanistan to India, from Pakistan to Myanmar, to Kuwait, Cambodia, Tibet, and many many others - with, as guiding thread, human beings and the human condition.

With over 200 pictures displayed, it was difficult to pick our favourite one. Mathilde liked this one, taken in the Hunan Province in China, which portraits Buddhist monks on training. I had few that, for a reason or another, I liked very much - but the one that stroke me the most is this one, shot in Peru. The image on the web does not reproduce the dramatic power of the real photo, but I can assure you I shuddered in front of it.

If you are in Rome, we do recommend you to go before it ends - it is on until April 29. And if you come to visit us, we will be happy to take you to see it and to see it again... J

Friday, January 27, 2012

The saga continues - Episode IV: A New Hope

Patroni Griffi - Ministro della Funzione Pubblica

From today’s La Repubblica: “Stop alla burocrazia. Semplificazione, la promessa di Patroni Griffi: certificati anagrafici in tempo reale. Il provvedimento domani al vaglio del Consiglio dei ministri. Alla vigilia del varo del decreto sulle semplificazioni il ministro per Funzione Pubblica Filippo Patroni Griffi, entra nel dettaglio del provvedimento: lo scambio dei dati tra le amministrazioni per via telematica consentirà di avere in tempi reali alcuni importanti atti di stato civile, dal cambio di residenza alle trascrizioni degli atti di stato civile, come il matrimonio e la nascita”.

There is every indication that our Minister Patroni Griffi is a secret follower of our Blog...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Problem solved

Dear followers, it seems our technical problem has been solved. You should be able to post again your comments now, and we should be able to respond to them.

Please, let us know if you still encounter difficulties in posting or reading comments on the Blog.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The world is small

The world is small. No, we are not talking about Anne, our neighbour at the Dorchester House in DC, who came to visit us for a few days.

We are talking about Anne, who came to visit us for a few days, who - while wandering about Trastevere - accidentally met a friend of her from the US who had not met for more than two years.

The world is small indeed!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The saga continues...

I presume you probably thought that, with my visit to the urban police station in early December, our ‘change of residency saga’ had happily ended. And so did we.

So you can imagine how we felt when, today, we received the above letter that, in summary, says that our request for changing residency was rejected because, as per urban police’s verification, it resulted we were not living where we declared to.

But what the hell - you would say - didn’t you go to the urban police station? Didn’t you produce evidence of your residency? Didn’t they clear your case?

Yes, yes, yes.

But as in all self-respecting soap operas, as for all successful tv series, you need to find a way to keep the series going.

And so our change of residency saga continues. Until the next episode. Do keep on following us…

Technical problems

Dear followers, we are experiencing a few technical problems in replying to your comments. We have notified Blogger, and we hope the problem will be solved soon.

But do keep on posting your comments (although we can't respond for the moment, we do read them!), and we will respond as soon as the problem is solved. And do let us know if you are also facing similar problems.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Three generations of Marchisio

Blue eyes: courtesy of the Iweins...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Leo e l’asinello

E per i nostalgici, guardatevi questo video (or this one if you speak English).

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

L’olivo di Leonardo (Leonardo’s olive tree)

Guarda il mare, come quello della mamma e del papà. È giovane, e crescerà…

Monday, January 9, 2012

Frammenti di vacanze - Alassio

Cosa fai lassù??? Vieni giù!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

La prima pappa di Leo

After pizzas, pasta, and Japanese food, finally a pot of proper baby-food!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Matteo et ses ‘niècettes’

‘Histoires au téléphone’, by Gianni Rodari. A 'must' reading for every child…

Leo et ses cousinettes (2)

Deux mois et demi après le premier rencontre

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Leo de Gayardon

If it’s true that we can infer someone’s passion (or talent) since he or she is a baby, then we can hazard with a reasonable degree of certainty that Leo will excel in one discipline: base jumping.

Leo had his first jump during the Christmas holidays, not less than from the washing-machine. Landing: on the head. Unharmed.

And if the today's 85 cm will progressively increase to eventually become hundreds of metres, we can then anticipate that, almost certainly, Leo has a promising future as base-jumper…

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Frammenti di vacanze - Milano

Questo sì che é un albero di Natale! (mica come quell’altro…)

Leo e zia Chiara

Monday, January 2, 2012

Les M&M's 2012

Leo’s first Christmas

A very happy 2012!

After having covered the roads of half Italy and half France (a respectable Rome-Milan-La Borboule-Alassio-Rome - more than 3,000 km - in 12 days), les M&M’s are back in Rome (and back online).

We’ll post the stories and the pictures of the past couple of weeks in the coming days.

Again, a very happy 2012!