Sunday, February 19, 2012

Leo e zio Riccardo

“If you don’t behave, the evil witch will come”. “If you don’t finish your soup, I’ll call the Babau”…

Each family has its own deterrent to enforce discipline among their children.

In our case, our Babau is ‘zio Riccardo*’.

“Leo, if you don’t go straight to bed, you’ll see zio Riccardo!”

And zio Riccardo came to visit us on Saturday. Thank-you zio Riccardo for having passed by. Have a safe trip back, and see you in Beirut, hopefully soon J

(*) Ref. Our Guardian Angel; Riccardo la Bestia; Voices from the Thar Desert; Bambino e Trinità; Matteo and Riccardo.


  1. Aho, ma c'è d'avvè paura veramente! Altro che Babbau... questo è er fratello de Mefistofele!
    Andove l'avete pescato un Babbau così? E la poera creatura nun se terrorizza?

  2. Oh my. Leo is so cute. I can't wait to see him again. I love the second photo .-)

  3. @ er pizzardone: leo non si terrorizza, anzi, ride sempre...

    @ tanja: in fact, riccardo looks very 'fatherly' in the second picture...

  4. Hehe... I think leo looks a bit scared in the 2nd picture :-o

    Does Riccardo change diapers too??

    mathi when are you going to send me an email!!!!! Let me know when the nice weather goes back to Rome and Andres and I will go to see you guys :)



  5. @ pat: unfortunately we don't know if riccardo is able to change diapers. he smartly arrived at home just five minutes after we changed the diapers to leo, so we could not test him...

  6. Can't wait to see your family M&M!
