Thursday, February 2, 2012

Leo’s likes and dislikes

Leo likes:

- Having his bath
- Looking at himself in the mirror
- Dancing (or, better, being in the arms of someone who dances)
- Portuguese
- Lights
- Apples and pears (but it seems he is allergic to both)

Leo does not like:

- Being dressed
- Being undressed
- Being kissed
- Staying on his belly
- The noise of the mixer
- French beans (green beans)

By the way, today Leo is six month old. Happy sixiversary, Leo!


  1. How did you discover he likes Portuguese?

  2. i speak him in portoguese when i change him his diapers. and he laughs...

  3. You forgot Leo likes playing peek-a-boo :-)

    Bonne W-e

  4. Che sguardo da duro, in questa foto! Fa il paio con quello da patatone nella foto del post precedente.


  5. Guarda che ride perchè gli cambi i pannolini, mica perchè gli parli in portoghese. Riderebbe anche se gli parlassi in russo o in giapponese o in dialetto calabrese. Ai bambini non piace stare coi pannolini bagnati/...... Provare per credere!E poi, chissà cosa gli racconti....!

  6. @ marieclaire: you are right, leo loves playing 'peek-a-boo'. he loves it so much that he plays by himself: he covers his face with his blanket, he take it off, and he laughs...

    @ claudio: non e' uno sguardo da duro, e' uno sguardo 'maturo'. a sei mesi possiamo considerarlo un ometto...

    @ m2: in effetti ride anche quando gli faccio l'accento sardo e quando gli faccio l'accento russo mentre gli cambio i pannollini. ma quando gli parlo in portoghese, scoppia letteralmente a ridere...

  7. Silvia likes:
    - Having his bath
    - Looking at himself in the mirror
    - Dancing (or, better, being in the arms of someone who dances)
    - Portuguese
    - Lights
    - Apples and pears

    Silvia does not like:
    - Being dressed
    - Being undressed
    - Being kissed
    - Staying on his belly
    - The noise of the mixer
    - French beans (green beans)

    E' proprio mio nipote!!! :-)
