Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How we are getting prepared to India

We realized our last posts were a bit nostalgic, and that we needed to cheer our readers up. It’s true, we have somehow, at the bottom of our hearts, the feeling of undertaking a non-return path. Who really knows what will happen and where we will we be in one year. In our mind Kathmandu is as likely as DC… At the same time, we are getting more and more excited about the perspective of this new adventure (a new country, a new culture, new people and hopefully new friends...) - and we are getting prepared to it.

We realized we knew very little about India. So, from where to begin with? Some people get to know everything about the economics and the politics of the country they are moving to. Some the history. Some read the literature. Some the travel guides. Some watch movies, and some listen to the music.

We, more simply, entered the words “Indian accent” in a search engine. And these are the results…

- How to say ‘hello’ in Indian (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQqzROAZZQ0)
- Indian accent (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw6RgIf6epQ&feature=related)
- Kids’ education (http://www.youtube.com/user/arommendahl?blend=1&ob=4)
- […]

Laugh with us, and come to visit us !


  1. Quello sui bambini e' straordinario. Ciao e complimenti per il blog: proprio bello. emanuele
