Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Will you send your baby here???

Baby is not yet born and, just to make clear to everyone who will be in command from now onwards, he/she is already turning our well-established habits upside-down.

For those who know me well, you know how difficult is to plan in advance for me. I hardly know what I am going to do tonight - let alone planning the week-end or our summer vacation. Booking a plane ticket earlier than one week before the departure was for me unconceivable.

However, baby is not yet born, and, despite all my resistances and mental blocks, I had to finally accept we had to start looking for a nursery. And not for August 2011: for January 2012!!! And we were even told that we were late!!!

Anyway, accepted the unavoidable, we rolled-up our sleeves and we began the search. We surfed internet from A to Z, and we found ‘Baby Garden Aventino’: good reviews, five minutes walking distance from home. Apparently perfect.

But… will you send your baby to a nursery whose logo is this one???