Monday, June 27, 2011

27 June - two years later...

Twenty-seven June, two years later. In between many, many things.

And many more to come…

(Ps: looking back at the comments to the post of last year, I have to say they have been almost prophetical…)


  1. i dont know if my other comment posted or not..

    congratulations to you both!!! i hope you had a lovely anniversary.. keep posting photos of mathilde.. i am really enjoying seen her 'grow' from the other side of the world.

    gros bisous.. baci!

  2. Baci a tutti e tre (avevo ragione si'!) e godetevi queste ultime preziosissime settimane a due.
    Baci da Cogne (in partenza per Maputo domani).


  3. Grazie. E buon viaggio ;)
