Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hey my love, we have a problem: we don't have milk anymore...


  1. E' evidentemente un falso: tu non bevi nè vino nè birra (anche se dalla faccia non si direbbe). Dove hai messo le lattine di Coca Cola?

  2. io no, ma leo (il cui dna vanta geni piemont-bordolesi) evidentemente si...

  3. Hehehehehehe, superfunny - Leo's face is just great!! Big squeeze to him! What u doing tonite? Feel like a family dinner? we could go to a restaurant nearby. Baci, Daniela

  4. How come you're so tanned Matteo? Ski while your baby is with the nanny? Babysitting in the park?

  5. The official answer is that the sun rays that enter from my office window on my back are reflected on my computer screen and shed light on my face.

    And as I spend a lot of time in my office, I am tanned ;)
