Thursday, March 1, 2012

Les M&M's al Concerto di Jovanotti

Jovanotti may perhaps not be as talented as Conte or De Gregori, his voice may not be as poweful as that of Battisti or Morandi, and his texts may perhaps not be as profound as those of De Andrè or Guccini - but his songs belong somehow to us.

I always recognized myself in the words of ‘Ragazzo fortunato’, and Mathilde has loved ‘Questo è l’ombelico del mondo’ from the first time she listened to it, in Ethiopia.

But all his songs in a way or another remind us a moment, a trip, a person. And so ‘Chissà se stai dormendo’ is part of the soundtrack of our (Silvia, Fabio, Eugenio and me) trip to Prague in the summer of 1993. We all have the refrains of ‘Io penso positivo’ and of ‘Piove’, or that of ‘Ciao mamma’ in our ears. And you cannot not have a throb when you listen to ‘Per te’.

And even the most recent songs - ‘Ora’, ‘Le tasche piene di sassi’, ‘La bella vita’, ‘The sound of sunshine’ - are part of us by now.

Thanks Mathilde for this nice present, thanks for this beautiful night. I do believe that lo spettacolo più grande dopo il big bang siamo noi

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