Duccio, Riccardo, Andrea, Lorenzo, Lucien, Guilleume, Arthur, Tiago…
It seems almost an epidemic, but most of our friends had a baby-boy in the past year.
Probably good to set a football team, but for us, foreseeing parents, quite a problem: will Leo ever manage to find a wife? With such a shortage of baby-girls, and such a plentitude of baby-boys, the competition will be fierce in 20-25 years, we thought.
So, better to plan ahead.
We have never been particularly in favour of arranged marriages, but we never thought we would have found ourselves in our present situation. And so we started our quest…
The first baby-girl we considered was Aude, who you have already met some posts ago when Laura came to wean us as far as babies are concerned.
Arranged marriage or not, we consider ourselves a rather open-minded couple, and we thus decided to have the betrothed meeting before taking any decision. The meeting went pretty well: they played together, it seemed they liked each other… in sum, all seemed to go pretty smoothly. But when the time of the bath came, the problems started. With hindsight we have to admit we have perhaps rushed a bit too much. Anyway, we decided to have Leo and Aude having the bath together.
We should have never done that: Leo, usually a rather peaceful character, literally got crazy. He started screaming, spraying Aude with water… he did not want to share the bathtub with anyone.
Embarrassed, we bowed down in profuse excuses. But it was too late: the damage had already been done. Laura and Benoit, the parents, immediately accepted our excuses. But Aude’ feelings had been hurt forever, and we doubt she will ever want to see Leo again.
And now, will we ever find a spouse to Leo? The prospect of having Leo at home living on our shoulders forever is suddenly becoming more and more real…
It seems almost an epidemic, but most of our friends had a baby-boy in the past year.
Probably good to set a football team, but for us, foreseeing parents, quite a problem: will Leo ever manage to find a wife? With such a shortage of baby-girls, and such a plentitude of baby-boys, the competition will be fierce in 20-25 years, we thought.
So, better to plan ahead.
We have never been particularly in favour of arranged marriages, but we never thought we would have found ourselves in our present situation. And so we started our quest…
The first baby-girl we considered was Aude, who you have already met some posts ago when Laura came to wean us as far as babies are concerned.
Arranged marriage or not, we consider ourselves a rather open-minded couple, and we thus decided to have the betrothed meeting before taking any decision. The meeting went pretty well: they played together, it seemed they liked each other… in sum, all seemed to go pretty smoothly. But when the time of the bath came, the problems started. With hindsight we have to admit we have perhaps rushed a bit too much. Anyway, we decided to have Leo and Aude having the bath together.
We should have never done that: Leo, usually a rather peaceful character, literally got crazy. He started screaming, spraying Aude with water… he did not want to share the bathtub with anyone.
Embarrassed, we bowed down in profuse excuses. But it was too late: the damage had already been done. Laura and Benoit, the parents, immediately accepted our excuses. But Aude’ feelings had been hurt forever, and we doubt she will ever want to see Leo again.
And now, will we ever find a spouse to Leo? The prospect of having Leo at home living on our shoulders forever is suddenly becoming more and more real…
Lasciate che Leonardo si scelga da solo la sua ragazza, quando sarà il momento. Magari imitando il padre, in giro per il mondo, e provvedete voi a una baby girl per i suoi amichetti.
ReplyDeletestudi e professione, leonardo potra' scegliere quello che vorra'. ma la sposa... per quella ci vuole il nulla osta di mamma e papa'!
ReplyDeleteappena avrà l'età della ragione, va farà "marameo"... siete stati troppo in India!
ReplyDeletebene bene, iniziamo pure le pratiche per la candidatura del giovane Leo!
ReplyDeletepotete inviarmi la dichiarazione dei redditi di entrambi i genitori degli ultimi 5 anni, allegando un quadro dettagliato della situazione patrimoniale (immobili, auto, titoli azionari ed obbligazionati, conti correnti e di deposito, oro ed altre commodities, arte varia con valutazione pezzo per pezzo).
Dal lato di Matteo l'asse ereditario a memoria mi sembra già bello affollato... Mathilde come sta messa? speriamo sia figlia unica!
Solo il meglio per mia figlia :-)
ma non dovreste essere voi ad inviarci la vostra dichiarazione dei redditi???
ReplyDeletecominciate quanto meno ad inviarci una foto della vostra giulia...
ma non dovreste essere voi ad inviarci la vostra dichiarazione dei redditi???
ReplyDeletecominciate quanto meno ad inviarci una foto della vostra giulia. va bene matrimoni combinati, ma niente appuntamenti al buio...
scherzi? sei tu che appari alla disperata ricerca di una (rarissima) fanciulla, quindi il potere contrattuale ce l'abbiamo noi!
ReplyDeleteprima che i genitori di Duccio, Riccardo, Andrea, Lorenzo, Lucian, Guilleume, Arthur, Tiago… facciano frontrunning lasciando il povero Leo solo e disperato :-)
su fb (di alessandra) trovi tutte le foto ed i video che vuoi, è lei la spammer di famiglia!
bhe, un occhio alla dote la voglio comunque dare: qui mi sa che leo sposa giulia, e poi si trova i suoceri a carico...