Thursday, July 16, 2009

10 reasons why we loved the Aeolian Islands

(1) Because the smells of these islands brought me back to my childhood (Matteo)

(2) Because I ate the best pizza in my life (Mathilde)

(3) Because although I wanted to go to Antarctica for our honey-moon, in truth I missed the Mediterranean in summer (Matteo)

(4) Because the water was like in the Caribbean (Mathilde)

(5) Because I could finally taste the meals described in Camilleri’s books (Matteo)

(6) Because I enjoyed very very much my first dive in the Mediterranean Sea (Mathilde)

(7) Because although I travelled all around the world, it was my first time to Sicily (Matteo)

(8) Because I got excited when we reached the top of the volcano at the sunset (Mathilde)

(9) Because I enjoyed the feeling of being "on the last island before the end of the world" I felt in Alicudi (Matteo)

(10)Because it was our honeymoon (M&M’s)

(Pictures available at:


  1. it's fine to be joung and to love life!

  2. Whoever you are, thank-you for your comment!

    This is the first comment we receive on our blog (who turns one-week old today), and we are very proud of that!

    Les M&M's
