Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Quel chiacchierone di Leo (Leo, what a great talker!)

It seems yesterday that Leo pronounced his first word (tortue). Three months have passed, and Leo has become a little parrot. 

Here it is some of his repertoire:

-          Tutto (tutto, all)
-          Tchao (ciao, hello)
-          Bye (bye)
-          Mano (mano, hand)
-          Bede (piede, foot)
-          Pane (pane, bread)
-          Ka-ka (acqua, water)
-          Ga-to (gateau, biscuit)
-          Me-la (mela, apple)
-          Pom (pomme, apple)
-          Ba (banana)
-          Latte (latte, milk)
-          Pappa (pappa/ho fame, baby food/I am hungry)
-          Male (male/mi sono fatto male, pain/I hurt myself)
-          Cayu (caillou, pebble)
-          Batta (ciabatta, slipper)
-          Petta (scarpetta, children’ shoe)
-          Buco (buco, hole)
-          Caldo (caldo, warm)
-          Scotta (scotta, it burns)
-          Ca-ia (Claudia)
-          Nonna (either nonna, grandmother, or telephone)
-          Pacha (Macha)
-          Baila (balla, dance)
-          Balla (palla, ball)
-          Zizi (zizi, willy)
-          Giallo (giallo, yellow)
-          Blu (blu, blue)
-          Giù (giù, down)
-          Baccio (in braccio, in your arms)

… and of course: NO, NO, NO!!!

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