Monday, February 18, 2013


Not sure whether this is true or not, but they say that during pregnancy there is a phase in which the mother-to-be feels like ‘nesting’.

You all know I am not a great fan of Ikea week-ends, and although long due, I tried to procrastinate this trip to Ikea for months and months. But in the end the argument used to convince me - the ‘nesting’ phase - was an argument to which I could not rebut. And with bowed head I finally had to go*.

Anyway, the week-end is over, and Leo and Oscar (that's Baby #2 nickname - we haven’t decided his name yet) will have a nice, brand-new bedroom now!

(*) But still have a doubt on whether this story of the nesting phase is an excuse that Mathilde smartly conceived to convince me, or if it is actually true...


  1. nesting is TRUE - j'ai deja lave tous les oreillers de la maison, rachete des draps et couette
    j'ai meme nettoye l'etendage lui meme avec la brosse a dent
