Sunday, March 24, 2013


We can’t deny there was some apprehension, in the back of our minds, on how Leo would have dealt with the arrival of his brother. And although in the past months we tried to prepare him to this event, you never know how well you can prepare such events until you face them…
However, the first meeting between the two newly brothers went beyond our best hopes: when we introduced Tommy to Leo asking ‘do you know who he is?’, he answered, smiling: ‘Bebé?’, and kissed him on the forehead.
We don’t flatter ourselves, and we know that years and years of quarrels and disputes between the two brothers are awaiting us - but, to use an erudite quote, we hope this will be the beginning of a beautiful ‘brotherliness’…

(I was once told: the best present you can receive is a brother or a sister. We hope we have made Leo and Tommy the best present a parent could give them…)


  1. i have received a brother and a sister...i'm really lucky!

  2. io invece ho avuto due sorelle. sara' per questo forse che il destino mi ha dato due maschietti...

  3. cette photo est tres touchante
    bravo encore!

  4. Date una sorellina ai due maschietti, ve ringrazzierà quanno sarà cresciuta.
