Tuesday, June 1, 2010

22 May 2010 - Inter-Bayern 2-0*

In Delhi**

In Milan***

(*) Apologizes, this has been posted a bit late, but was absolutely due: who knows when this will happen again (hopefully not in 45 years again)

(**) Thanks to Paolo for the hospitality

(***) Tutto suo zio J


  1. Non si plagiano così i nipotini!

  2. ho la gazzetta!!!

  3. non e' plagio... era interista gia' da dentro la pancia. e poi, non sta bene in nerazzurro?

  4. Congrats to Milan!

    And Congrats to Mexico for the latest 2-1 over Italy!!

    Let's hope we have the same luck next Friday my friend. Don't you dare to cheer for South Africa NOR for France... Remember that deep in your heart you're truly MEXICAN...

    Te mando un abrazo Matteito, como va la vida??


  5. hola alejandrito:

    - congratulations to mexico, but it was just a friendly match. let's see in the world cup

    - don't worry, there is no way i can support france in a football match

    - indeed, in the deep of my heart i am a truly mexican. when i retire, i'll buy a hut in tulum, and move to yucatan

    la vida esta loca, pero todo bien. y tu?

