Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pic-nic al lago with friends

It’s interesting to notice how the process of identifying new friends and establishing new friendships has changed since Leo has arrived.

Before what we were looking for in a new friend or group of friends was the sharing of an interest or of a hobby. The general feeling of mutual understanding or the curiosity for something different they would bring.

These all remain important elements. But now a critical pre-condition for exploring the possibility of a new friendship has become the presence of a baby of, more or less, the age of Leo.

This pre-condition fulfilled, we agreed to go on Sunday on a day-excursion to a nearby lake with two recently met couples: Andrea and Sibyl, a Florentine-American couple, parents of Pietro (11 months), and Kevin and Melissa, from San-Francisco-California, parents of Nico (18 months).

And, at the end of the day, we were pleased to observe that Andrea and Sibyl, Kevin and Melissa, not only had a kid, but were actually sharing a lot with us.

A friendship to be continued…

(Photo credit: Melissa)

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