Saturday, August 28, 2010

Perpetually on the move

Emanuele, who left Washington to Maputo in June and went through all the moving process just a month before us, defined it ‘l’imbuto’ (the funnel)*. We rather called it ‘la centrifuga’ (the centrifugal-machine).

Different wording, but the same concept. Our last two weeks in Washington have been quite hectic. Close and return our apartment, disassemble and sell our furniture (and my Vespa, sigh sigh...), pack our stuff and organize the shipment of our boxes, renew our Indian visas, say good-bye to our friends...

If I have counted well, this was the eighth move in ten years, the eleventh in twelve years. After each of them I ask myself why the hell I didn’t choose to become a bank clerk in Milan.

But soon after I start thinking what the next destination could be...



  1. Risenti la canzone di Venditti - Compagno di scuola - e capirai perchè non hai fatto l'impiegato di banca.

  2. mha, forse meno sessantottino - pero' i miei ta-tse-bao durante la prima guerra del golfo me li sono appesi anch'io...

  3. Mi sa che ti batto di uno: nel decennio 2000-2010 io di moves ne ho fatte 10!
    2000 Baltimora
    2001 Cairo
    2002-4 Nairobi (cambiate 2 case)
    2004-2005 Londra
    2005 Cairo (solo 3 mesi, non so se vale...)
    2005-2010 Washington (cambiate 3 case)
    2010 Maputo

  4. ti lascio volentieri questa vittoria... :)
